Thursday, December 31, 2009
The End of 2009
We were planning to go to IN for Christmas on Friday (12/19) after work. That whole day, it poured, so we decided to wait until Saturday morning. It is so good that we did. Jule was diagnosed with RSV and started having some minor complications Friday evening. He got through it without a hospital visit, and he was much better on Saturday morning. So, we took off and arrived at my parents' house Sunday evening.
We had a really nice time seeing family, and Noly got to play in the snow for the first time. She loved it! She would beg my dad to take her out every morning, but he would make her wait until it was "warm" enough. It never truly got warm, but it was warmer than 10 degrees : ) We kept Jule in because of the RSV, so he would watch from the window. My grandma had a mild heart attack on the 22nd, so we went to see her in the hospital on the 23rd. She came home Christmas Eve, and we went to her house for Christmas. My guess is that this Christmas was the last year she and Grandpa will be with us. Neither of them is doing well, and I am so thankful we got to spend time with them and that they got to see the kids.
We were going to come back home on Saturday (12/26), but Jule cried all through the night Christmas night and screamed Saturday morning. We took him to the ER and found out that his ear infection from 12/7 was still not clear. So, he was put on his 3rd round of different antibiotics. Sunday morning, Noly said her ears hurt, and they were draining, so I knew she also had a double ear infection. The doctor called in some drops, and off we went that evening. We made it home Tuesday afternoon after some really bad weather and bad roads in Indiana and Ohio. I'm so glad to be home and close to our own doctors, and I'm even more happy that we made it home for CHRISTMAS! Last year, we didn't get that far!
As 2009 ends and 2010 begins, I'm excited to see how the kids will change and grow and what new things God will do in our lives. Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I Should Stop Having Birthdays!
I thought we were in the clear. It was about 6:15 pm, and I was alone with the kids playing and relaxing. Noly had eaten dinner, and Jule refused to eat. I decided to call my brother to see if they wanted our baby seat for their baby that's due in March....and IT happened. Noly was running toward me and tripped on her nightgown. Her chin met the hardwood floor, HARD. Yep, she needed stitches. So, once again, off to the ER we went on my birthday.
She was very brave and ended up getting around 5 stitches in her chin. We got home around 10:45 and were exhausted. She seemed completely unaffected this morning but did not want to eat because it made her chin feel funny. They did put in dissolvable stitches so she won't have to get them removed.
Maybe we'll just skip my birthday altogether next year?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I read the book of Ruth today and sat here kind-of stunned. I grew up knowing the story of Ruth, but going through everything I've gone through recently made it jump out at me. Ruth married her husband and lived away from her family for 10 years, then her husband died. After her husband died, her mother-in-law told her to go back home to her family, but she chose to stay with her mother-in-law. All I can say is WOW! I'm having a hard time not taking my husband to Indiana to live, and he's still alive. I cannot imagine the dedication and conviction that Ruth had to have to stay away from her family even after losing her husband! In the end, God greatly rewarded her with a kind husband and rewarded Naomi with a grandson. Naomi had lost her husband and both of her sons, and I had this image of her just glowing as her grandson sat on her lap!
It's also a story of great redemption. In fact, the NIV refers to Boaz as the "kinsman-redeemer." That word alone brought tears to my eyes (probably because I'm withdrawing from Lexapro, but still). I thought about the great, unsurpassing love that God has for us and how He is our Redeemer. All of these days of pain and frustration that I'm going through are not without the redemption of my God. He is my Redeemer, the Restorer of my life.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Thursday afternoon, I had a migraine. So around 3, I took a Maxalt. I figured I should space out the Lexapro and took it around 7:30 instead of 6. By 9 pm, I did not feel right. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I felt horrible. It was 30 degrees outside, but I was sweating profusely. So, I put on as little clothing as possible and tried to watch tv. I was very restless, getting out of bed and back in. Then, I started feeling sick to my stomach, so I took Zofran around 1 am. I was all over the place but finally fell asleep around 3 am.
Around 5, I woke up out of a dead sleep and felt worse than I've ever felt in my life. I ran to the bathroom because I was sweating so badly and felt like I was going to throw up...I didn't. Then, I took my temperature because I didn't know what was going on. That was normal. I then thought to feel my pulse, and it was racing. Kevin was out of town, so I called my friend, Kathleen. She came immediately to be with the kids while I called 911. By the time they got me in the ambulance, my heartrate was 180 and my blood pressure was 169/93. My body was trembling, so they thought I was cold, but I was actually burning up. It was a nightmare.
So, now I am tapering off of the Lexapro. It helped so much and made me so sick to get on, so I'm very frustrated to have to stop it now after all of this. I have to go off of it though because I have to have Imitrex or Maxalt. I am once again back to square one...waiting to try another migraine preventive. I don't plan to take anything until after Christmas. I'd rather have migraines over Christmas than a reaction to some new med.
On top of all of this, Kevin's kidney stone apparently did not pass and is bothering him off and on, and Jule's ear infection did not clear up with the antibiotics. Kevin took him in Saturday morning after a very long Friday night of screaming, and his right ear was still very bad. They gave him an antibiotic shot Saturday, and he will get one today and another tomorrow. The poor baby has been in so much pain.
Tomorrow is my birthday. Oh, how we need a break! We need everyone to feel good. I'm praying we can make it to Indiana for Christmas since we did not make it last year due to Jule's ears. Calgon, take me away.....
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Ears, Ears, Ears
I increased my dosage of Lexapro to a half of a pill, and it really seems to be helping my migraines! They are spreading out and getting less severe, and my anxiety over them is decreasing as the pill gets into my system. I filled a prescription for the Depakote, but I'm not brave enough to try it yet. I plan to see how the Lexapro alone does, and I will try Depakote if I have to. I'm so tired of trial and error body is just so sensitive. Overall, I'm pleased with the way the Lexapro is handling my migraines.
Jule finally started to mimic what we say. He is very non-verbal but grunts a lot and gets across what he wants. Friday night, I showed him a cow and said, "Moo," and he said the same thing for hours. He's also tried to say "Goofy" and a few other words. Noly had so many words by this age, but I have heard that boys are slower at speaking usually. He is a whopping 29 lbs at only 17 months old...lots of him to kiss and hug on.
Noly is learning to read words by sounding them out. She loves Leapfrog DVD's and asks me all the time what sounds certain letters make. She is also doing great with memorizing her verses for Awana and is asking what they mean. Sometimes, they are very hard to explain in 4-year-old terms. She is so very sweet natured and is a little Mommy to Jule sometimes, except when she intentionally hits or trips him! Ahhh...the sibling rivalry begins!
Monday, November 30, 2009
November 2009 Closes
I was reading II Peter 3 today, and a couple of things really hit me. Verses 10-11 say, "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives." I immediately thought about how what is happening right now will not exist on the other side of eternity. Even if I live my whole life in physical pain, my life with my God will be pain-free and heartache-free. It is of great importance to me that, even if the pain of migraines limits my quality of life, my life is spent teaching my children to know God, to love God, and to live in a right relationship to Him. This world and its ways will pass, but God will never pass and never change. And I do know He hasn't changed because I'm in pain nor is He punishing me. It just IS this way in a fallen world.
The other verses that spoke to me were verses 8-9..."But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." One of my coworkers just brought in his 1-week-old baby. It took me back to the days that my kids were newborns. Those memories automatically go hand-in-hand with my days of infertility for some reason. It was so surreal how I held in my arms the promises that I had waited so long for. But really, to God, it wasn't that long. God wasn't slow in bringing my babies to me. His timing was perfect. He does nothing that lacks perfection.
So, I know I need to hang in and hold on. Right now, Jule squeals like a teenage girl at a concert, and too soon, Noly will BE a screaming teenage girl at a concert. I'm praying for wisdom for the Neurologist tomorrow and tolerance in my body for what he thinks may work.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thank God for Parents!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Falling Apart
I talked to HR, and we are getting FMLA paperwork in order. I want to protect my job with all of these absenses. Also, I called my mom crying and asked her to please come for the week so I can get some meds in me. I tend to get really sick to my stomach with new meds, and it's already hard to take care of the kids with my head hurting. Kevin will be able to help, but even getting groceries can be challenging when I'm so sick and can't go yet I need him to help me with the kids. Please pray that my mom can come. I'm in so much pain, and I can't stop crying.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I Want to Go Home
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I'm Not My Own
- I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold;
I’d rather be His than have riches untold;
I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands;
I’d rather be led by His nail-pierced hand- Refrain:
Than to be the king of a vast domain,
Or be held in sin’s dread sway;
I’d rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today.
- Refrain:
- I’d rather have Jesus than men’s applause;
I’d rather be faithful to His dear cause;
I’d rather have Jesus than worldwide fame;
I’d rather be true to His holy name - He’s fairer than lilies of rarest bloom;
He’s sweeter than honey from out the comb;
He’s all that my hungering spirit needs;
I’d rather have Jesus and let Him lead
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
God's Plan and Provision
When Joseph's brothers came to him in Egypt and did not know who he was, it doesn't seem like his first feelings toward them even remotely resembled anger. Even after they sold him as a slave, he had to fight back tears upon seeing them again. I'm not sure that I would be that forgiving ; ) He told them that what they intended to do to destroy him was part of God's plan for the future...pretty astounding if you ask me!
The other part that I had not noticed before was how God provided for what Egypt needed during a time of great famine. There came a point when all of the people still needed food but had no more money to buy it. So, Joseph told them to bring their livestock to him in exchange for food. Joseph's brothers were now living in Egypt and it just so happened that they were professional shepherds. God knew the livestock would increase, and He provided just the right people necessary to tend the extra livestock.
It all makes me think about a couple of things. Even though we are going through tragic times, God will use the tragedy in the future to make something bring about His plan. What the enemy intends to destroy us, God WILL use it to further His purposes in our lives. I really wish I had not had 8 miscarriages, but I know I'm living in this fallen world where bad things will happen, and I know that God is using it to fulfill His big purposes for me. And if He will provide some of the best shepherds for the extra livestock of Egypt, He will provide what He knows I need...even before I know I need it. Only by His orchestration can the most beautiful music of my life be played. My orchestration would result in dissonant chords and untimely notes. Thank You, my Creator, for having Your purposes in mind for my life.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A Day of Rest
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Separation Anxiety
Noly is still very excited to be 4! She thinks she's so much bigger than 3-year-olds! Her new verse for Awana this week was "Give thanks to the Lord, Who made the great lights...sun, moon, and stars." I told Kevin I didn't know if she could learn that much, and by Tuesday, she knew it! I was amazed that she had the capacity to memorize that much at once! She is learning phonics by watching Leapfrog and by asking me constantly what each letter sounds like. I wonder if she'll be reading before she goes to school next year? I'm not pushing her because I don't want her to get bored in the 4's class, but I won't discourage her from learning either.
Our search for a new church is continues. I'm not going to get deep into it, but it doesn't look like the one we have been attending is going to work for us. We are planning to try our Pediatrician's church soon, but this weekend we'll be going to our old church for an Anniversary Picnic! I love those every year and am so excited to see my friends and for the kids to have a fun day outside! Imagine...a picnic with apx. 3,000 people! We usually eat before we go because of my egg allergy. I also decided to try to study for the CPA exam again. I have some time at work to fill, and I want to see if I can get all 4 sections in over the next 18 months. It should be easier now that I'm not pregnant!
That's us in a nutshell for now. I'm off to study.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A Day of Memory
I would not have made it through that time without the love of the One Who loves me completely and greatly. I know He saw every tear and heard every plea. And I know that my 8 children are now worshipping around His throne.
Psalm 56:8 "You've kept track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights, each tear entered in your ledger, each ache written in your book."
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
From 3 to 34 in One Night!
Don't we think that way sometimes? We expect to become mature and perfect, Christ-like, overnight. Becoming like Him is such a process, and we fail so many times. I'm so glad He doesn't think, "You stupid should be grown by now." He also knows it's a process, and He is there to encourage us as we strive to be more like Him every day. I'm so glad God has patience as I learn and grow. If I could only get it into Noly's head that it will be many years before she is as tall as her mommy.
Noly is Four Today!

It was January 2005 when I began pumping my body full of these Invitro meds. I didn't even bother to count the numerous pills I had to take. I made an Excel spreadsheet complete with times of day to take each pill and whether to eat or to refrain from eating within two hours of it. I did count over 80-something shots that I had to give myself over the course of a few weeks. I filled the sharps container you see here and two additional containers before the cycle was over. I cried so many hormonally-induced tears that only God could count those. I also spent a lot of time at church worshipping and spent many times with people huddled around me in prayer.
Nine months later, on October 14, 2005, my prayers were answered:
After years of infertility and 7 miscarriages in two years, God had given me the desire of my heart...a baby. Noly has been such a blessing in our lives. We didn't realize how much this little 5 lb. 6.6 oz. package could completely change us forever.
This morning, I got Jule out of bed so that he and I could wake her up with her present. She got a stuffed kitten, which she informed me made 10 stuffed cats. She has a bit of an obsession with cats but can never get a real one because Kevin and I are both very allergic. I hope she has an amazing day today because she's quite the amazing little girl!
Monday, October 12, 2009
It was a rough weekend. We went out to eat with Kevin's family at 6 pm, which happens to be an hour after our normal dinner time and an hour before Jule's bedtime. Jule screamed and crawled up and down me while we waited for Kevin's sister to get to the restaurant. She ended up being around an hour late, so we ordered our meal AT Jule's bedtime. By the time the food came, he was so tired and agitated that he would barely eat. He was only interested in the skin of my baked potato, and that was only for 10 minutes. When we got home, I quickly bathed both kids and put Jule to bed. He slept for 10 minutes then proceeded to scream as if he was being beaten. I got him up to see what was wrong, and he played happily. This happened off and on until midnight, and we think it must have been teething. He does this about once a month.
Saturday, we had a family birthday party for Noly at the park. We chose a park with nice rubber flooring so Jule could walk around. Nope. He didn't want to walk around. He wanted to fall to the ground and scream until I carried him around. And it had to be Mommy and Mommy only. Being not much over 100 lbs myself, I struggle to carry his 27-lb body very far at all, so I had to sit at the picnic tables. He pushed off of me, then cried when I put him down. We had driven separately, so I took him home early and gave him a wonderful 1-hour nap. He woke up from that screaming, and continued his fussiness the rest of the evening.
I made some kind of spicy TGI Friday's Skillet meal from the freezer, and the heartburn it caused could not be touched by any antacid in the house. One Prevacid, 3 t of Mylanta and 2 Pepto pills later, I was still doubled over in pain. So, I took an Ativan and finally fell asleep sometime after 1 am. By the time Sunday came, I was so past being ready to pull my hair out that I was actually waiting for Monday to get here. Thankfully, today has been much better. Work is rarely stressful and is very quiet, so I can gather my thoughts and eat an entire meal without getting up. I'm feeling overwhelmed at the thought of going home in 40 minutes, but at least Kevin will be home tonight to help with the kids. I really hope Jule finds some happiness tonight. If not, I'll just cover my ears and sing, "la,la,la,la,la...I'm not listening..." until Tuesday comes.
Happy Monday!
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Weekend is Here!
I am really missing my church and my church family, but we talked to some people at our new church last weekend and felt very welcomed. Noly absolutely loved going to the new church and playing with the kids. There were only 2 other babies in the nursery with Jule, so I wasn't nearly as concerned about him getting sick as when there are 20!
I have my shopping lists compiled along with all the respective coupons. Hopefully, I can get the grocery shopping done tonight since some of my coupons expire today! Tomorrow morning, I have a hair appointment. I love being by myself and getting pampered once every other month : )
That's our weekend in a nutshell! Anyone care to share what their weekend is comprised of?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Ever Struggle to be Nice?
One of my coworker/friends got a new job and stabbed me in the back on her way out. It was an outright betrayal, and I'm enraged and furious! Now, I know that the Bible says to "turn the other cheek" and to forgive, but I am having a really hard time doing that. Matthew 5:39 says, "But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also." Psalm 55:12-14, "It is not an enemy who taunts me—I could bear that. It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me—I could have hidden from them. Instead, it is you—my equal, my companion and close friend. What good fellowship we once enjoyed as we walked together to the house of God."
Something I've been thinking about is how much easier it is to be hurt by a friend. They simply know more about you...your likes and dislikes, things that have hurt you in the past, things that elate you, your feelings/opinions on various topics. We really do have a lot of power over those we know intimately. On the other hand, we also have a lot of power to bless our friends in ways that those that don't know them can't.
I certainly know that I am guilty of hurting those that I care deeply for, and I need to work through this. Right now, my feelings aren't there, but I will work on it until they are. I'm sorry if this post is all over the place, but it lies in the midst of a war between what I want to do and what I know is right to do. And I do want THE RIGHT ONE to win...I want God to be glorious and radiant in my life. I'm still a work in process....
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Jule's First Big Boy Haircut
Monday, September 14, 2009
Noly is Home!
I'm finally feeling better. Last week was rough, and I felt horrible up through yesterday. Jule now has it and is crabby, but I think he's doing better than I was. He hasn't had a fever, and he is sleeping at night.
This week is back to normal. Friday, I have plans to go with a friend to a concert! That will be a nice break and a great time of worship!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sick Again

Friday, September 4, 2009
What Was Abraham Thinking?
I'm feeling kind-of "Mt. Moriah-ish." The big unspoken is that I am feeling led to go to a different church. This is a huge deal for me because my church family IS my family here...the rest of my real family is 14 hours away, and I'm not very close to Kevin's family. I adore my church, I love singing on weekends, and I absolutely love listening to my pastor's sermons. BUT I feel God telling me, "It's time to go." It's not because I'm mad at anyone or disagree with anything. It's more about following His calling, His leading. His timing.
It brings me great pain, but I will obey. I believe He will bless me when I obey, but I will miss my weekly time with my church family so much. My church has around 3,000 attendees, and the church I'm feeling called to has around 300-400, so that will be an adjustment. We live far away from my church, and the new church is literally one mile from our house. That will make it so much easier with two small children, but I'm still sad. I spoke with the Music Leadership last night, and they blessed me in following God's leading, and I will be singing this weekend one last time. Maybe God will say, "Just kidding...just wanted to see if you were paying attention"??
I know that Isaiah 55:9 (The Message) says, "For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think." God has a master plan, and He alone is the One Who knows all, so I trust Him. But just as I've seen Him move and bring me my "child of promise," there's still a human side to me that questions, that wonders. But I know He is faithful, and I know that He calls for our obedience. So, here I am...ready to leap off the cliff, knowing He'll catch me, and knowing He'll do exceedingly above all that I can ever ask or imagine.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Decisions, Decisions
The unspoken change that I mentioned before IS going to happen, but I still can't say what it is until after Thursday. I have been silent because I have spent a lot of time grieving the loss of the "old," and there is also some apprehension regarding the "new." BTW, we are NOT having another child, and I'm NOT getting a new husband!!! : )
I find it interesting how scary new things can be, but they really do increase our reliance on God. He's the only real stability and source of constancy, and He will remain the same from our old to our new. There is a part of me that is intensely excited about the new, but I think the fear of the unknown oftentimes wins out.
On a different note, Noly has been in Indiana with my parents since Saturday. It has been odd to only have one child, but it has been such a needed break. I was so run down and overwhelmed, and this is allowing me to catch my breath. She'll be back September 12.
Jule has been Jule....sometimes happily playing and other times screaming enough for 5 children combined. I really wish his teeth would not keep coming in so close together in time. He is only happy for a few days before he's a crab again. Poor little guy has had a lot of pain in his 14 months of life! On Sunday, we discussed going to our favorite restaurant with him to distract him and get him to stop screaming. For some reason, a change in atmosphere works with him. We talked about it, and at the last minute, I told Kevin I wasn't in the mood for it. We went to a different restaurant that neither of us are especially fond of (though Jule loved it). When I turned on the news a few hours later, we found out that the restaurant we almost went to was robbed at gunpoint right around the time we would have been there with our baby!!! God's hand was surely protecting us! I cannot imagine how scary that would have been if we were there with about anxiety-inducing! I am so thankful that God kept us not only safe from harm, but also safe from even the experience. I will have to visit there soon since I go weekly for lunch to make sure all of the workers are ok.
I promise to tell more when I'm able!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Starting in May 2010, we will lose our babysitter. She is retiring after 28 years to be at her youngest son's ballgames and to be more available for her aging parents. We have been very blessed to have her as a part of Noly & Jule's lives, and we will miss her dearly. That said, I know that God has a perfect plan and that He has someone special already waiting to watch the kids. Jule will be nearly two by then, and Noly will be 4 1/2. We are hoping to start Noly in school in August 2010, so she will not be with the new sitter for very many hours each day. Since her birthday is in October, she will be in the 4's class next year even though she will turn 5 shortly after school starts. She looks more like a little girl who's ready for school every day and not like a toddler...
The last possibility of change is very close to my heart. I wish I could share it, but I just feel I can't at the moment. I've been thinking about it a lot, and I was praying about it as I drove out for lunch today. An OLD song from 4 Him was playing called "Puzzles"
I remember that first day I heard Your voice
I could feel Your quiet peace drown away the noise
Your oracle of truth still rings in my head
I've come to know my path just as You said
And I see the sham, the lie that swallows the man
People need to see
It's a dangerous life without Your wisdom for our ways
It's a gamble with time when we don't hear You when You say
You're the Light of the world I pray that all will see
Only You know the way to put our puzzles into place
There's a fire dark as night in an evil rage
Spreading power to searching souls at a deadly wage
I want to scream a plea, a warning sign
Take the stutter from my step, don't let my tongue be tied
Piece after piece, Your love in holy relief
Into the picture You have seen
Light up the shadows
Expose the deception
Reveal the illusion
Unscramble the puzzles
People need to see
I'm praying that each "piece" falls into place to form a beautiful picture. The verse for the day on is Romans 12:4-5 "Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” It makes me think of the body of Christ as one big puzzle, fitting together, and making one big, beautiful portrait of Christ!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Noly's First Trip
Since this was her last weekend home for two weeks, we tried to do some extra fun things with her. Kevin took her swimming, and we took both kids to the Park. Noly loved it, but Jule isn't quite old enough to enjoy it. He was tired and scared of the swing & slide. He clung to me and watched all the kids play. It was so nice to get out of the house with the kids...neither one of them was sick for once! Kevin's parents are keeping Noly tomorrow while I work, so tomorrow will be a fun day for her too!

Thursday, August 20, 2009
More Than We Can Handle?
KJV "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."
NIV "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."
New Living Translation "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."
The Message "No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it. "
All of these translations seem to point to the same thing: temptation...not just plain old living and circumstances. What I have come to realize, at least at this point in my life, is that sometimes we DO have more on our plate than we can handle. It is often those times that we rely solely on God for strength.
I feel like God's strength is all I'm going on right now because I just don't have it in me anymore to keep up with all of the sickness, all of the doctor appointments, etc. I also believe that a time will come when it won't be like this; and at that point, I need to remember to cling to God just as much as in a time like this. I ache for my friend, Whitney, whose 7-year-old has cancer and is going through treatment. She has way too much on her plate, but she is clinging to God, and He'll carry her through it.
In the Psalms, there were many times that David was feeling overwhelmed. The following Psalm reflects it, and I choose to run to God just like he did...
Psalm 63:1 "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water."
Friday, August 14, 2009
I have been having such a terrible time with anxiety lately. It seems like it began when Jule was born and was immediately hospitalized, and it has grown and grown with each health problem that has come our way. I have anxiety about his breathing, I have anxiety about taking care of two sick children alone when my husband is out of town, I have anxiety about how many sick days I'm using at work, and sometimes I have a hard time leaving the house because the anxiety can make me so sick to my stomach. All to say...I'm having a slight problem here : )
The doctor did give me Ativan to help when I need it periodically, and I rarely take it. However, I feel like I've needed it a lot lately. I thought the summer would bring health and vitality to the three of us, but we have continued to catch virus after virus. Jule continues to get croup on a regular basis, AND he continues to cry for hours with a few days sprinkled in here and there of happiness. He is BETTER than he was, but he is still a very difficult baby.
I actually wasn't the least bit surprised to find out that one of this weekend's topics is going to be dealing with anxiety. God really does have perfect timing, doesn't He? We began our vocal rehearsal with a time of prayer over each individual who would be singing this weekend. There were many tears shed, and I noticed some recurring much stress, so much to do, so many hard things that life is throwing at us. After we ended our prayer time, we began singing and choosing which parts we would sing. There was a lot of laughter and so much oneness in spirit.
After we were done with vocals, we went downstairs to join the band. Only this week, we did not practice with the band. Instead, Eddie walked us through the weekend's services. We all sat in the dimly-lit worship center and listened to a worship CD about going up to the mountain...the place where God's glory dwells. It was something like "Take me up to the mountain. Take me to the place where Your glory dwells." I'm sure those are not the right words, but what I began to see as I closed my eyes is that I was looking down on my life. It was all about my perspective. From the mountain, my anxiety and worries seemed so small. I was with God; there was nothing to fear. Everything that seemed to surround me and swirl around my head was suddenly way under my feet (or better, Christ's feet).
Then, the song switched over to "Breathing the Breath." It's lyrics are "We are breathing the breath that You gave us to breathe to worship You, to worship You. And we're singing these songs with the very same breath to worship You, to worship You." It made me keenly aware that the very breath I breathe is from God, and His life and love are moving in and through me. The God of the universe dwells in me and is in my corner. Anxiety truly has no place. I am very excited to see what God is going to do in the services this weekend, and I'm praying that He changes the music Eddie speaks...and as I live my life for Him. I want my anxiety to dissipate, even if my situation doesn't change. I want to change...I want my perspective to change.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Jule's Allergy Results
I'm beginning to feel very, very horrible. We made the decision to take Noly out of preschool this year to try to help she and Jule stay healthy. We are still having only a week or two of feeling good before someone ends up sick, so it looks like it's still a good decision. However, I talked to the babysitter and found out that the other two 4-year-olds are going to school every day starting in September. Noly LOVED the school last year, and it is only a couple of blocks away from the sitter's house. I feel like a bad mommy because she will want to go to school, and I can't really explain to her why she can't go. She wouldn't understand what it means to try to keep the germs to a minimum. Next year, she can go to the 4-year-old class at one of the Christian schools we have chosen. Jule will be two then, and his reflux/croup episodes should be so much better given another year to outgrow them.
I don't want to hurt her feelings. I'm trying to come up with something to help her feel special about being the oldest child at the sitter's. It will just be her, Jule and another baby. I thought of having a special box each week with activities she can do by herself while the babies play. Maybe I can pack a special movie for her to watch on some days too. I'm stocking up on school supplies when I see sales so that I can have a variety of activities for her to do, but it doesn't help me feel any better : ( Next year, she can go to school with all of the other kids. For now, I'm hoping and praying she's not too upset when she discovers that she's not going. Sometimes it's hard being a mommy!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Instant Gratification
I thought about my own kids and how spoiled and ungrateful Noly would be if I gave her everything she wanted right when she wanted it. Sometimes my answer is that she has to wait for it, and other times it is just no. I don't always give her a reason because sometimes the reason is beyond the scope of her understanding. Sometimes, the answer is no because allowing her to do something would bring her harm. She doesn't know it and can't foresee it, but I can.
I believe that God is the same way. We would be spoiled brats if He gave us everything we wanted, and we would suffer much harm if He allowed us to have some of the things we ask for. I don't understand why I had to go through so much to have children, but I trust that God's plan is perfect, and He always has my best interest at heart. I also believe that some things happen if only for the fact that we live in a fallen world. AND I believe it breaks His heart when we go through things that cause us grief as a result of living in this fallen world. I know that there are times when my heart breaks for my children.
Monday, Jule had a blood draw for allergy testing. Twice now, he has broken out in hives. It took me and two nurses to hold him down, and he screamed like we were killing him, but I knew it had to be done. It hurt him, but it had to be done for his own future safety. Certainly, he didn't understand it, but I know it will help me make decisions that will better protect him. I've already seen him struggle to breathe on more than one occasion, and if I can stop it from happening again, I will!
During this ordeal, our Pediatrician (did I mention before how much we love him?) heard his blood-curdling screams and came in the room and whisked Noly away with him for a popsicle. It gave me such a picture of God because there are times that He pulls us out of the pain and gives us a popsicle...just like He pulled me from the pain of miscarriage and gave me my two babies! Noly wasn't in any danger, but the doctor did not want her to get upset. Scott Krippayne sings a song "Sometimes He Calms the Storms," and it perfectly depicts what this post is about:
V1.All who sail the sea of faith find out before too long
How quickly blue skies can grow dark and gentle winds grow strong
Suddenly fear is like white water pounding on the soul
Still we sail on knowing that our Lord is in control
C.Sometimes He calms the storm with a whispered peace be still
He can settle any sea but it doesn't mean He will
Sometimes He holds us close and lets the wind and waves go wild
Sometimes He calms the storm and other times He calms His child
V2.He has a reason for each trial that we pass through in life
And though we're shaken we cannot be pulled apart from Christ
No matter how the driving rain beats down on those who hold to faith
A heart of trust will always be a quiet peaceful place
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
No More Holes
After the room was empty, I began to prepare the walls for painting. I looked around at all the holes that were in the walls...there were tons! So, I got the spackle and began to fill every hole. I thought, "Once I'm done painting, you will never know the holes were even there!" Then it hit me, isn't that how it is with God! Once we repent of our sins, the "holes" are no longer there. Psalm 103: 12 says, "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us." When He looks at us, He does not see our "walls" filled with scars and holes. He sees His creation...beautiful, seamless walls. I think if we could just get His view of us into our heads, we would have such a different view on life. It's hard, though, because our human mind is just that...human. We are His unique, beautiful creation, freshly covered by His blood. AND He's the complete filler of our holes...not just where our sins are involved, but He does what we can't and gives us strength where we lack. He's so much more than my $3.87 jar of spackle!
On the home front...Noly is doing well. She is learning more about her letters daily. She is doing well with writing her name but gets frustrated easily if it's not perfect. That's my girl! Jule had his one-year appointment yesterday. He was 26 lbs 2 oz, 31 inches long & had a head circumference of 19 I think. I'm not sure of his % because, once again, there was too much drama for me to remember to ask. I asked for allergy testing for him, and he screamed through the whole blood test! I'm sure it hurt because his little hands are just so chubby that it was hard to find a vein, but the nurse did! He also got a finger prick and one shot. I had to give him a lollipop to get him to stop screaming. Then, once we got to the car, I accidentally pinched his leg in the seatbelt! Of course, he started screaming all over again. Poor little guy. I felt so bad! We should get his allergy results in about a week.
I'm still having anxiety issues. I'm taking Ativan here and there when I need it, but I'm sure that I'll get back to my normal self when the stress calms down a little again. Until then, I have a lot of painting to do. This is the first time I've painted a room pink.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Feeling Silent
I also realized that we have spent almost 9 months now with one of us being sick. We get a week break here and there, but someone always has something. Jule and I were sick last week and ended up missing both his 1 year appointment and his rescheduled appointment. Then, Noly came down with a fever and some kind of virus Monday and Tuesday. When I took her to the doctor on her second day with no drinking, I realized it had been 9 months!!! No wonder I feel like I'm burnt out. I thoroughly enjoy my kids, but I feel like I can barely leave the house with them without someone, usually Jule, getting sick. Dr. C explained to me yesterday that the respiratory sicknesses he is having probably stem from vomit getting into his upper respiratory system. Now, if we could just get him to stop losing his lunch, we'd be good???
Each time he gets croup or I hear that all-too-familiar rattling or stridor, my anxiety kicks into high gear. Will we have to call 911 in the middle of the night this time? Will the breathing treatments keep his breathing under control. Very few things in my life have traumatized me to the extent that seeing my child struggling to breathe has. I know that he's not truly mine, but I love him and want to spend many years with him as my son on this earth.
I don't have as much anxiety with Noly because she only had one incident where croup became complicated enough that she needed an injection. It was related to one illness and never happened again. And while she was sick a lot her first winter with the sitter, she only had "normal," non-scary sicknesses. She went through her right-of-passage as a child. I also wonder if Jule's time in the NICU made me more paranoid of his health? Probably.
So, here you have my thoughts. I haven't been blogging much lately because I just really don't have much to say. I have a lot to think about. I will stay on at 30 hours a week. I explained to my babysitter how my boss changed her mind, and she was gracious enough to work with us on it. But by May 2010, we hope to move closer to the church, find a new sitter, and get Noly enrolled in our Church's 4's program. A lot to do, a year to do it, and I know that God has it all under control and has the best interest of my babies at heart. I know He'll show us if he wants us to stay in our currrent location and send her to school at another Christian school that I love. We just need to find someone to watch Jule...sweet, vomiting Jule : )
Monday, July 27, 2009
I would not mind staying home with the kids, but with Jule's health issues, I highly doubt we would be accepted my any private insurance company. Kevin works in a family business, and there is no option of company insurance though they will pay for whatever insurance we get. The problem is....they can't pay for something we can't get. My boss and the Controller are supposed to talk today. I just don't even know what to do right now. After all, it was my BOSS's idea months ago for me to go down to 20 hours without quitting!!! Grrrr!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Home Today
Monday, July 20, 2009
Brown Sugar and Luke 6:38
A portion of one of Third Day's songs started playing in my head..."and you give yourself away, and you give yourself away, and you give, and you give, and you give yourself away. All I want is love, and I confess to this. I will take it, Lord, all You have to give..." A portion of 4 Him's "The Message" also stood out in my mind, " give til there is nothing left to give..." Jesus gave it all for me...His very life...everything. My desire is to give my life in the same manner that I give my food brown sugar....not to get, but out of love and out of the overflow of His gift working in my life.
This weekend, I spent about $152 on groceries and other household items, and I ended up saving about $42. A lot of this involved stockpiling BOGO items and items that were on sale. I'm hoping to shorten our grocery list in the future since we will not have to buy any of the items that I stockpiled. I still don't think I will become a coupon expert, but I can at least save some money.
Jule was a crab this weekend. We are guessing he is teething yet again because we can't find anything wrong with him. His ears are clear, and he doesn't appear to be sick. He is just crying often and loud. The thing that we find so strange about him is that he is usually distractable when he's in pain. While that is wonderful, we can only exert so much energy in distracting him before we are just worn out. He was great at church and at O'Charley's on Saturday night, but when we were home, we practically had to stand on our heads to get him to stop screaming. He went to bed at 7:30 last night and did not go to sleep. At 9:30, he started crying, so we got him up, and he was happy as can be. I think he went back down around 10:30 and cried himself to sleep. I really hope a tooth pops through soon!!! He has his one-year checkup with Dr. C on Wednesday.
Noly adores a stuffed kitty that one of the other children at the babysitter's has. She has always loved it, and we have searched and searched for one that is similar. Finally, we found one that she loves at Target this weekend. It meows, purrs and moves around. She named it "Mama" and said it was her baby. I'm not sure where her obsession with cats came from because we don't own one...we're both allergic. The babysitter has one, but it's afraid of the kids. Noly took her special new toy to the babysitter's today, and she was so proud of it when she walked in to show the other kids.
We ended the weekend with a delicious meal of Ribeye on the grill and rice pilaf. I hope Jule is good for the sitter today.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Let Your Light Shine

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Quick Post with a Praise
I had better shower while Jule is sleeping. Kevin and Noly went to get Jule a present from his parents.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Happy First Birthday, Jule!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
"The Tunder Wake Me Up!"
Jule was horrible for the babysitter yesterday. He screamed all day and took two naps only lasting 45 minutes total. I thought I would be in trouble last night, but he was happy as can be for me. Maybe he was missing Mommy after being home with me for 3 days? If it was teething, I would have thought he'd be fussy no matter where he was. I was just glad that he was happy and playing! He and Noly are starting to play together, and it is adorable! Most of the time, he annoys her, but she plays well with him off and on.
I have two hours left before I get to leave work. I think we will just have leftovers and play tonight. I enjoy the evenings where we can relax and just "be" together. Tomorrow is Jule's first birthday! My baby is one...where did the time go!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July
I have been able little by little to clean the whole downstairs. Maybe this evening, I can clean the upstairs while Kevin plays with the kids. Kevin's parents stopped by to see the kids. His mom is not doing well. Her chemo treatments are really taking a toll on her body. She wanted a laptop for their house so she can work from home, so Kevin & Noly went with them to look for laptops. Jule and I stayed home and ate some lunch. Then, he got into the diapers and pull-ups and had them all over the kitchen floor. He had a wonderful time! I quickly cleaned the downstairs bathroom while he entertained himself. Those are the kinds of messes I like....easy to clean up! After I was done cleaning, I pushed him around the living room, dining room & kitchen in his Cozy Coupe. He sat back and enjoyed it, smiling at me when I would peek around at him. Noly came back exhausted from shopping, so we put her down for a nap after she ate. I think Kevin is going to take her swimming after her nap.
Tomorrow afternoon, we are taking them for professional pictures. I think Jule will cooperate, but we are going to have to bribe Noly. I told her we'd get her a toy from Walmart if she is good and smiles. She usually hates having her picture taken. She said she wanted a Littlest Petshop Scooter??? I don't even know if that exists or how much it would cost. I'd better do some online research.
Since they are both asleep, I should probably clean the Master Bath. That won't wake them up. Happy 4th of July to everyone, and thank you to all of those who have served and are serving our country!