Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Falling Apart

So, I'm kind-of falling apart. I took Prednisone from Friday through Sunday, and now I've had a migraine since Sunday night. My family doctor put me back on the Prednisone for 5 days. I need this pain to STOP! I can barely function, but I'm at work so I don't miss pay.

I talked to HR, and we are getting FMLA paperwork in order. I want to protect my job with all of these absenses. Also, I called my mom crying and asked her to please come for the week so I can get some meds in me. I tend to get really sick to my stomach with new meds, and it's already hard to take care of the kids with my head hurting. Kevin will be able to help, but even getting groceries can be challenging when I'm so sick and can't go yet I need him to help me with the kids. Please pray that my mom can come. I'm in so much pain, and I can't stop crying.

1 comment:

Helene said...

Heather, I really hope your mom can come help you! I can imagine how difficult it must be to take care of 2 children when your head feels like it's gonna literally crack in half.

Do you have any friends closeby who can help out? Too bad I don't live near you or I'd be there in a heartbeat! My kids could probably entertain your kids for hours!

Hope you feel better soon!