Wednesday, November 26, 2008

November 26, 2007

I will always remember this day as the day I got my miracle BFP! It was 3:30 in the morning, and I had only slept an hour. I knew that insomnia was one of the first signs of pregnancy for me, so I decided to test at only 9 dpo. It was a very clear positive, and the rest is history. My chubby baby boy is now in our home! It was the fulfillment of a word God spoke to me when I was 14..."you will have a son." What a joy and delight he is to Kevin and I. I cherish 11/26/07.

I find it hilarious that, today, he decided to roll over for the first time. He was in his bed asleep on his tummy when I woke up. I looked at him as I was getting ready to walk out the door, and he was still asleep on his tummy. I went to grab something from the computer desk and heard him making noise, so I looked at him on the monitor, and he was on his back...happy as can be. I told Kevin he rolled over, and we both watched the monitor in excitement. This is just one step toward his esophagal muscle he gains more muscle control, he will get better and better. Now, we just have to teach him to roll from his back to his tummy so he can get to sleep at night when he rolls onto his back ; )

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