Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I can't believe how quickly the end of 2011 is approaching. I am beyond thrilled to end this year and begin a new year. I did a quick count of some of our 2011 events.

In 2011:
6 Croup occurrences, 2 requiring ambulance rides
130 migraines
1 broken toe requiring surgery, 3 months to heal
1 Grandma gone and missed
15-20 pounds lost that didn't need to go
2 Preschools stating problems with my child
2 Different Evaluations of a "normal" child
34 Trips to the Pediatrician

That's a lot in a little less than 365 days. I guess I can understand why I feel so exhausted when I look at all that has happened in 2011. However, I am looking forward to 2012 being much better. I pray that the changes we are making help bring about a calmer, healthier year for all of us. I have two beautiful children who have no idea that 2011 was a difficult year, and I'm thankful that they are too young to understand it. I want to enjoy the short time that they are young. Too soon, they'll be teenagers and won't think I'm cool at all. So, I will enjoy that they think I'm awesome now. Looking forward to 2012 and the extra time I get to spend with the kids by being home with them.

9 more days of actual work until I'm a stay-at-home mom!


John Ng said...

Praying for a better 2012 for you and the family.

Helene said...

Wow, when you put it all right there in one list, you realize just how challenging this past year was. A lot of sad moments, for sure.

But, hopefully, 2012 will bring happier events!!

John Ng said...

Enjoy your time with the family and the Christmas season!

Heather said...

2012 is going to be better! Merry Christmas to both of your families!