Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Crayon Hearts, Cupboards and Tents

We have all been sick for about two weeks now. After having bronchitis, we now have ear infections and upper respiratory infections. Since it's only been a month since Jule's last month-long double ear infection, I need to email his ENT to check to see if he may need tubes after all. While I was resting this weekend, Daddy helped Noly make a tent. Notice it's complete with functioning door! She was very proud of it and was very upset when Jule got up from his nap and ruined it : )

Jule had an adventure of his own. He discovered that he could crawl into the cupboard and play. He even had a little book in there with him and was contentedly reading. He is growing so quickly that he didn't fit into the 2T overalls that I put on him this morning! He's only 19 months old!

Noly and I made crayon valentines for her classmates. It was a ton of work peeling the paper off of all of the crayons, but it was worth the work because she loves them! The only problem is she keeps thinking they are to eat. Maybe I should make sure the teachers know they are not food?

Today is February 9th, which is my ex-husband's birthday. Why is it that dates you don't care to remember are etched in your mind for what seems like forever? Oh well, it doesn't really bother me or affect me.

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