Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Long Time, No Post

I have been so busy lately that I haven't posted in a long time. So much has gone on since my last post. Jule got tubes in his ears, and it has helped him so much! The babysitter noticed a big difference right away. We noticed that he is sleeping better (when he's not teething). Noly has a double ear infection, which is her third since September, so we found out yesterday that Dr. H will do a second set of tubes...yay! They helped her immensely, and that will give us a year without ear problems in either child (I hope)!

I noticed last night that life is getting back to a more normal place. Having both kids in the evening is not nearly as stressful because Jule is not so high-needs. We have been sick a lot this winter, but I think that is to be expected with two preemies in their early years. When he's feeling good, Jule is such a character. He smiles and laughs WAY easier than Noly did at that age. She was and is so serious. He seems much more happy-go-lucky and is madly in love with both Kevin and I. He's almost 8 months and is probably approaching 25 lbs if he's not there already.

Noly is changing so fast and becoming so grown up. She can go all day with just one pull-up sometimes...if you motivate her enough with gummy Princesses. She loves to be a Princess. Last night, I took a pic of her with her toy camera, and it said, "You are a beautiful Princess." She looked at me and said, "I'm not a beautiful Princess yet." I said, "Why not." She said, "I need my purple dress." So, apparently one has to wear a Princess dress to be a beautiful Princess? Her hair is so long that it's getting close to her butt. I want to keep it long but not too long. She knows she is three and will be four on her birthday, and she loves singing. I think her favorite song right now is the song we sing to pray over our food..."God, our Father."

Jule's greatest joy is Noly, and he laughs the most when she laughs and says, "ouch!" I'm not sure whether that's a good or bad thing...already laughing at others' calamity...LOL. Seeing them interact more and more is so exciting because I know that they will be able to play together before too long. I can't wait to see their relationship develop. Noly is a little mother to him sometimes, and I wonder what he will think of that when he gets older. He gets seriously mad when we clean his face after a meal or when we dress him. He prefers to be dirty and naked...all boy!

Today, I am praying for Whitney's family. Little Forester is having surgery to remove a brain tumor. It pains my heart to think of what they must be feeling right now, and all I can do is pray. I love them all very much.

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